Living well in different times
Living at home in isolation brings many different stresses and strains. The Desert Fathers created isolation as a matter of choice and used long periods as times of deep reflection. The Jesuits have used the exercises developed by St Ignatius as a similar method of introspection and reflection on their inner spiritual life. However, our current circumstances are not self determined and most of us are less used to these spiritual practices.
The following resources are offered as ways to help us each come to terms with where we are and perhaps further, to become practised and at ease with our circumstances, even to see and use our situation as a source of supporting our own well being and the well being of others. We will update these resources from time to time as new material is identified but hopefully there will be enough initial leads to encourage you to look further and explore your journey through the wealth of material that is available.
A Guide to living with anxiety
Resources from Warwickshire Mental Health Service
A link to the Mental Health Foundation
Ignatian Spirituality
Understanding desert monasticism