Electoral Roll

The Electoral Roll records all those who are active members of the church.

Follow this link to join the Electoral Roll now 

Through baptism we are made members of Christ's worldwide church and joining the Electoral Roll helps us in playing an active role in our local church here in Stratford-upon-Avon

The Electoral Roll is a list of people who consider themselves members of the congregation. To be on the Electoral Roll you must be sixteen years of age or older, baptised and a member of the Church of England or of a Church in communion with it, resident in the parish or, if not, having regularly attended public worship at one of our churches for at least the past six months.


Being on the Electoral Roll

is helpful for the church as we are assured of your commitment to us, as you pledge to play a part in the life of our congregation:

  • in practical ways, as you join in our worship and other activities, and as you play a responsible role in the life of our church;
  • financially as you support us with your money as well as your time;
  • at our annual members' meeting, as you vote for our churchwardens and council, or stand for election yourself.

Follow this link to join the Electoral Roll now

Our Churches:

  • are local congregations, serving Stratford-upon-Avon and the villages of Clifford Chambers and Luddington.  While we are happy to welcome people from a wider area, we have a particular commitment to sharing the good news of Jesus in our own neighbourhood:
  • are Biblical communities, committed to building our lives on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, and above all on the teachimng and examples of Jesus himself:
  • are part of the Church of England valuing our heritage in the catholic church down the ages and recognising our call to serve the community in which we are placed 

Follow this link to join the Electoral Roll now