Planned Giving
Holy Trinity, with its daughter churches, is a thriving, active parish and requires a lot of resources to fulfil its vision in the community.
We receive no direct funding from the Government and rely on donations and legacies, along with many hours of time given by our volunteers.
The best way in which you can help us financially to continue our vital work is by setting up a monthly standing order.
Our bank details are:
- Account Stratford upon Avon PCC
- Sort Code : 40-43-19
- Account number : 20649430
If you sign a declaration that you are a UK tax-payer, then your donation to the church, will be subject to Gift Aid, whereby the church receives from the government, the tax you have paid on your gift increasing its value by 25%.
Please PRESS HERE and complete the form to allow us to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation
To donate to one of the village churches, please see contact details elsewhere on this site.