Holy Trinity School
Holy Trinity School (formerly The Willows) is a Voluntary Controlled Church of England Primary School originally founded by the Parish Church of Holy Trinity to serve the needs of local children and families. Three members of the Governing Body are elected from Holy Trinity and are known as Foundation Governors.
The original school was financed by the Church, but this function is now performed by the Warwickshire Local Authority in co-operation with the school governors.
Close links are maintained with the Church and the school. Our Children and Families Minister together with other members of the clergy take assemblies at school on a regular basis and children also attend Holy Trinity for assembly. The school celebrates Christmas with a Carol Service, and end the school year in church with a celebratory assembly, to which parents and family are warmly invited.
Children learn prayers which they may say in assembly, at lunchtime or at the end of the day, learning some prayers by heart. They are taught to become familiar with aspects of Church of England life, such as liturgical colours, Christian symbols and seasons of the Church year.
Link to the Holy Trinity School from here