Organ Specification
HILL 1841 1889 and 1898
Rebuilt Nicholson 1991
Upper Organ
located in Bodley Nave Case
Double Open Diapason 16 | Viola da Gamba 8 | Subbass 16 |
Open Diapason 8 | Gedeckt 8 | Principal 8 |
Hohl Flute 8 | Principal 8 | Fifteenth 4 |
Principal 4 | Stopped Flute 4 | Posaune 16 |
Harmonic Flute 4 | Flageolet 2 | |
Fifteenth 2 | Mixture 19.22.26 | Couplers |
Sesquialtera 12.17 | Contra Fagotto 16 | Swell I to Great |
Mixture | Hautboy 8 | Swell I to Choir |
Posaune 8 | Cymbelstern | Swell I to Pedal |
Tuba Mirabilis 8 | Tremulant | Swell I Super Octave |
Swell I sub octave |
Lower Organ
located behind South Aisle Screen and Tapper Transept Case
Gedeckt 16 | Open Diapason 8 | Open Diapason 16 |
Geigen Principal 8 | Hohl Flute 8 | Bourdon 16 |
Rohr Flute 8 | Salicional 8 | Violone 16 |
Dulciana 8 | Voix Celeste 8 | Bass Flute 8 |
Gemshorn 4 | Principal 4 | Violoncello 8 |
Harmonic Flute 4 | Fifteenth 2 | Trombone 16 |
Piccolo 2 | Mixture 17.19.22 | Swell II to Great |
Nazard 2 2/3 | Vox Humana 8 | Swell II to Swell I |
Tierce 1 3/5 | Double Trumpet 16 | Swell II Super Octave |
Clarinet 8 | Cornopean 8 | Swell II Sub Octave |
Tuba Mirabilis 8 | Clarion 4 | Swell II to Pedal |
Tremulant | Tremulant | Swell II to Choir |
Choir to Pedal | ||
Choir to Great |
Eight general pistons and general cancel
Six foot pistons to the Pedal Organ
Six pistons to the Choir Organ
Six pistons to the Great Organ
Six pistons to the Swell I Organ and six pistons to the Swell II Organ, duplicated by foot pistons
16 divisional and 96 general piston memories
Stepper, operating general pistons in sequence
Independent sequencer
Three stepper/sequencer + pistons, one on each manual
One stepper/sequencer + foot piston and one - foot piston