Novel Theology
A church-based book group that meets monthly, normally on the first Thursday evening, at 1 Chestnut Walk. Despite its name, it is not a serious theological discussion group, but an opportunity, accessible to all, to discuss books in the light of our faith. Equally, the group does not just read novels. Fiction, both classical and contemporary, predominates, but we have also read biography, history, Shakespeare and indeed books of the Bible. Our discussions confirm our belief that God can speak to us through our reading of a whole variety of literature. We constantly find that characters and situations in books, and sharing our reactions to them, can enlighten and deepen our own faith and our understanding of ourselves and the world under God. And, even when we disagree and some of us think that a particular book, or something in it, is rubbish, we find ourselves bonding over our debates, and that too can deepen our fellowship and our faith.
Anyone interested should contact Anthony Woollard, 01789 204923.