Flower Power
If you came into church on the Monday before Christmas, you would have been amazed by the buzz and merry chatter as numbers of 'flower ladies' arranged pedestals, put vases in the porch and decorated the high altar. Our endeavours made the church looks wonderful for the festive season, as you can see from these pictures.
We work in four teams on a monthly rota, ably led by Margaret Dale, Anne Morgan, Heather White and Sue Bill. Each season brings its variations, with greenery during Advent, red, white and gold flowers over the Christmas season, and then (after a break with no flowers during Lent) the wonderful spring colours of yellow and white to celebrate Easter.
It is a special privilege to decorate the church - usually in white or cream - for weddings, although keeping those pew ends flowers watered can be a challenge!
We are always looking for more ladies to join our teams, so if you are interested, do contact the Parish Office. Although some of our volunteers are professionally trained, keen amateurs with a love of flower arranging will be warmly welcomed.