The Bishopton Chalice -- (not on view to the public)
This chalice dates from the time of Elizabeth I and was made 16 years before the Spanish Armada reached England.
It was made during a second push at religious conformity in Stratford, at a time when Shakespeare’s father was on the Corporation, and was responsible for carrying through the required measures. It is dated 1571-2 and this follows the appointment of Nicholas Bullingham, a known reformer as the local bishop and of Heycroft as the new Vicar of Stratford, replacing a Vicar who had been ousted for supposed sympathy with the Northern Rebellion of 1569. The Cup therefore illustrates the impact of religious changes enforced by the state at the parish level close to Shakespeare himself.
Cup: Sterling Silver weight 120 gm, height 12.7 cm diameter bowl 7.2cm diameter foot 6.5cm
A narrow beaker shaped bowl with lip; running round it near the top is a band of floral scroll work divided into 3 parts by inverted hour glass curves. The bowl rests upon a short spool shaped stem and a domed foot, a band of reed ornament runs round both ends of the stem. The marks are on the inside of the bowl and too worn to see.
Cover: Sterling Silver weight 55 gm, height 3.3cm diameter 7.6 cm
Standing paten with reeded bezel to fit communion cup. Engraved cross in bowl. Spool foot with button on base, engraved 1571 on bottom.